Monday, January 18, 2010

Beautiful Blogger

Imagine my surprise after learning some interesting things about Mel over at 2nd Chances to see that she nominated me as a Beautiful Blogger. I had to read over it a second time to make sure I read it right, lol! I’m still very new to the blogging world and haven’t really gotten my name out there that much. So I was pleasantly surprised to see my name :) Thanks Mel!

Seven interesting things about me:

1. I’ve been to Australia two times in the last five years. Each visit I stayed for 3 to 4 weeks at a time. My sister lived there for several years so was lucky enough to have a place to stay. I experienced a lot of firsts during my visits there.

2. In the last five years, I’ve discovered that I’m a very sensitive, emotional, and passionate person. Way more than I ever thought I was. These are all things that at one time I might have considered incompatible with the rest of my traits. However, now I know they are highly positive and important qualities to have.

3. Farting jokes still make me laugh uncontrollably. If I hear someone fart I can’t help but laugh. I also have what some may call a strange fascination with my poop and its correlation to my health. I’m very regular and look at my poop every morning. I have called my mom and friends to share with them any amazing poops that I may have experienced. No joke! I even encourage them to look at their poop every time they go.

4. I yawn A LOT when I get nervous.

5. When it comes to sports/athletics I love being trained. I feel like I do my best when I have someone telling me what to do. I’m not saying I don’t do well on my own because I do pretty good. But I love soaking in as much of someone’s knowledge as I possibly can.

6. I’m an avid reader. Fiction is my favorite, but I will read just about anything.

7. Every time I step outside when it is dark I look at the moon and the surrounding stars. No matter what phase the moon is in, its beauty never fails to amaze me and it always makes me smile. It’s the simple things!

Passing the Beautiful Blogger torch to…

Jamie – Sweaty Hugs

Amber – Robles Family

Jess – Fit Chick In The City


  1. Brea - These are great! Thank you for the award. I have to be honest and tell you that while I'm flattered, I don't usually post awards on the blog. But thank you very much!

  2. Noticed your name on Graduate Meghann's blog comments- had to say HI! as we have the same name, albeit mine is spelled with an "i" ;) There aren't many of us around but I love our name!! Have a great week.

  3. Thanks for playing along! I'm so with ya on #2...and #3 made me giggle!! I want to go to Australia one of these days....very soon. Great list!
