Tuesday, July 21, 2009

5 Mile Run

It started raining on my way home from work yesterday. Debated whether I should wait the rain out and attempt to run outside. In the end, I decided to head to the gym to do my running on the treadmill. No point in wasting time.

I started by walking about 4 minutes for my warm-up. Stopped and stretched. My goal today was to just run at a 10 minute mile pace and run for as long as I felt like running. I turned on Maxwell and off I went. Overall, I ended up running 5 miles in just under 50 minutes. I felt good and probably could have kept running, but it was getting late and I still had to go home and shower and eat dinner. As good as my run felt, I did experience some interesting things while running…some that you would only experience at a gym and others because that’s just how my body works.

Here’s a play by play…

Mile 1 to 3: Breathing, stride, pace, knee, and overall body feels great! I’m in my zone, listening to Maxwell. Maxwell’s music is very chill, amongst other things; helped me to relax my mind and body.

Mile 3: My friend comes up and starts talking to me. Of course I can’t hear him because my music is too loud. So off come my head phones, maintaining my run, looking to my right; he’s asking me how the knee strap is working for me and how my knee felt. I told him so far so good, but he’s now walking to my left so I have to shift my head and try to maintain my balance on the treadmill. Doing my best not to trip! I realize after he leaves that I was practically yelling when I was talking to him. LOL! Sorry gym buddies, I’m sure that was an annoying distraction as well as I’m sure you really cared to hear about my knee.

Mile 3 to 4: Maxwell ended. Switched to the Black Eyed Peas, time to get pumped! Uh-oh! My lower stomach is starting to cramp a little…that can only mean one thing …the dreaded gas! All this running got my system working. I did my best to hold it in, but I can’t say that 1-2 petite farts didn’t escape! I’m pretty sure they were quiet and I’m almost certain they didn’t smell. But you never know. I just hope nobody was behind me on another piece of equipment. An occasional fart when I’m running outside is ok in my mind. For one, nobody can hear or smell it (if either is an issue). Secondly, I like to think the gas is giving me a little boost, propelling me forward. The gym is another story and I really do my best to avoid letting one loose at all costs. But sometimes, it can’t be controlled. Today was one of those times! Luckily, it quickly passed and I was back on track! <-- yes, I totally went there!

Mile 4.25 to 5: Back at mile 3, I recognized the guy running on the treadmill to my left. When he was done with his run and was cleaning off his treadmill, out of politeness, I looked over and said “hi” (still running). He said “hi” back, but didn’t stop there. He proceeded to turn the treadmill back on, walking pace, and started talking to me. Apparently, he chose to over look the fact that my headphones were on and my music was blaring. It wasn’t like I could pretend I didn’t hear him and run off in a different direction, I was on a treadmill. SOOO, to avoid being rude I took my headphones off and chatted while I finished off my 5 miles. So there I am, my headphones flopping uncomfortably around my neck, trying to pay attention the conversation, thinking to myself “how long is this guy going to stay and talk? He was done, finished, finito…what happened?!” He talked for approximately 7 minutes! Notice I said he, because I randomly answered but for the most part faced forward and tried to focus on my running. Don’t get me wrong, nice guy, but come on! I’m running, please DO NOT DISTURB!!

My treadmill buddy finally decides to head out. I cool-down by walking about 5 minutes. Finish out by stretching. As I was in the bathroom, washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and noticed deodorant balls coming out of my armpits. There’s a reason why I don’t wear solid deodorant when I do cardio…frothing armpits are a prime example. That’s hot….a hot mess! Haha!

Aside from my yelling, flatulence (as my mom would prefer I say), unwanted conversation, and armpit foam…my run was FREAKING FANTASTIC! I really felt I could run forever, ok not quite, but a little while longer.


  1. Hilarious and oh-so-TMI! You seem to just attract people at the gym. I think you need a shirt that says, "Don't bother me, I have gas..."

  2. I posted a comment earlier but it must not have saved. I said that only you could share so much (or should I say TOO much!!) information in one little post about running. HaHa. I knew it was going downhill when I read the Mile 3 to 4 description and I was pretty much right!

  3. LOL, next time I'll post a warning or a disclaimer :)

  4. Nice that you kept the comments decent for Mommy Dearest! Thanks Brea. You are the one and only.
