Thursday, July 9, 2009


From early childhood through high school, I’ve played a number of sports…tumbling, dance (jazz & ballet), t-ball, swimming, softball, gymnastics, indoor track, volleyball, and tennis. I also started strength training in high school. After graduating high school, I joined a gym where off and on I continued with my strength and cardio training. This inconsistent cycle continued for a few years. August, five years ago, I lost one of the most important people in my life. I lost a parent, best friend, mentor, and kindred spirit all in one day. The following year, I experienced depression and weight gain amongst other things. I was unmotivated and lethargic, couldn’t get myself into a regular workout routine. I missed the natural high (sweating, pushing myself, accomplishment) I experienced when working out. At the time I knew I wasn’t strong enough mentally and emotionally to do it alone, I needed help! I hired a personal trainer. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I trained with a personal trainer for approximately two years. Thanks to his expertise and support, and my motivation, desire, and persistence; I’m now in the best shape I’ve ever been in. It has helped me both physically and emotionally. For the last two and a half years I’ve been training on my own and have maintained my fitness.

In December, I’ll be turning the big 3-0! I’m ok with this for the most part. But at the same time I feel like I need to kick things into gear. That’s where this blog comes in. My friend started a blog to document her workout goals. I thought it was a great idea and began thinking that I should do one too. I’ve never been much of a journal writer; I’ve started a few and ALWAYS quit them after a few days. Just wasn’t my thing. However, this time it feels different. I’m excited about the idea of documenting my goals, progress, failures, successes, etc. when it comes to my health and fitness. I’m always talking about it with my friends and family, even when they’re not listening, ha! This way I can write it down and they can read and focus on it at their leisure. This blog will also be a way of holding me accountable; help me to pinpoint what works for me and what doesn’t.

My goal is to write about anything and everything that goes into my overall health including but not limited to workouts, new activities, food, and my mental stability or lack thereof ( at times), ha! I hope to learn more about myself and gain knowledge that others are genuinely willing to share. This will definitely be a work in progress. I ask for your patience, but more so patience from myself for myself!



  1. Hey Brea! Looking forward to reading about all your work out and fitness adventures. Who knows... maybe if I read your blog enough some of your motivation will rub off on me!

  2. Congrats & Welcome to the blogging world! I can't wait to read all that you have to share. xo

    P.S. - niiiiice bloggie header! ;)

  3. Thanks ladies!!

    Jamie - I LOVE the header, thanks for all your help :)
