Tuesday, July 14, 2009

7/14 meals/workout

Meal 1: over-easy egg, 2 slices of whole wheat bread w/butter, cottage cheese, English Breakfast tea
Vitamins: multi-vitamin and fish oil tablet
Meal 2: leftover Mexicali black bean pizza, plum, water, Diet 7-Up
Snack: banana strawberry yogurt (Danon light and fit)
Meal 3: tuna melt with sprouts mixed in, blackberries
Vitamins: calcium, vitamin C, and fish oil tablet
Snack: glass of Sauvignon Blanc and way too much peanut brittle

10 minutes warm-up on Elliptical
Back and Biceps
Hanging Leg Raises and Bicycles
20 minutes on Stationary Bike

Week 3/Day 1 twohundredsitups

I'm not sure how long or often I'm going to post my meals. Testing it out, seeing how I like broadcasting my habits and not so good habits... Although, the whole point of this is holding myself accountable and being honest with myself! Hmmm...sometimes not an easy task.

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